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Tuesday 15 January 2019

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Friday 11 January 2019

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Tuesday 1 January 2019

free online mock test for lic aao: science reporter

free online mock test for lic aao: science reporter: science reporter The Melting Riversof Ice is an article which can be seen on page no 31 of science reporter sciencereporter magazi...

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sciencereporter magazine These massive, moving rivers of ice have already been receding at a shocking pace around the world. A study by Fribourg University predicts science reporter magazine total disappearance of a majority (if not all) of the glaciers in the Swiss Alps by the year 2090. Why should we be concerned? Because these are the most sensitive predictors of any global changes in our climate and the very fabric of some of the planet's most distinctive landforms have been shaped by glaciers. science journal The effect of glaciers on the world around us — past and present — is dramatic and staggeringly impressive. It is not without good reason that the glacial landscapes science journal of the Alps inspired the Swiss painter Caspar Wolf (1735-1783) to produce scores of paintings with glaciers at their core. His work layered geologic accuracy with an artistic flair so much so that he is widely regarded as one of the earliest European Romantics. science reportermagazine subscription The tragedy of recent climactic events however has resulted in the total loss of some of the most iconic subjects of these paintings, e.g. "seracs" of glaciers in the Jungfrau region science reportermagazine subscription which melted quite some time ago. More recently, the makers of the award-winning documentary Chasing Ice (2012) deployed a series of time-lapse cameras across the Arctic region and captured a record of our planet's changing glaciers over a period of a few years science reporter magazine subscription.Science reporter RECENTLY, the world's leading climatologists issued an alarming warning in the report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): a seemingly trivial 0.5 degree Celsius rise in global warming is sufficient to irreparably destroy the environment Science reporter, landscapes and the world as we know it. Any increase to the currently agreed range of 1.5-2°C is likely to result in rise in sea levels, Sciencereporter lower levels of oxygen in the oceans, extreme heat waves, and increased risk of droughts, floods and loss of insect and plant habitat. Perhaps the most severe and observable change will occur in glaciers.